Eco-friendly Circular Advanced Materials & Additive Manufacturing Lab
Journal Publications
N. Karimi, S. A. A. Bozorgnia Tabary, H. (R.) Fayazfar. (2024). In-depth investigation and industry plan for enhancing surface finishing of 3D printed polymer composite components: A critical review. J. Appl. Polym. Sci, 141(24)
J Sharifi, V Paserin, H Fayazfar. (2024). Sustainable direct metallization of 3D-printed metal-infused polymer parts: a novel green approach to direct copper electroless plating. Advances in Manufacturing, 1-14
J Sharifi, G Rizvi, H Fayazfar. (2024). Sustainable 3D printing of enhanced carbon nanotube-based polymeric nanocomposites: green solvent-based casting for eco-friendly electrochemical sensing applications. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-13
N Karimi, H Fayazfar. (2023). Development of highly filled nickel-polymer feedstock from recycled and biodegradable resources for low-cost material extrusion additive manufacturing of metals. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 107, 506-514
D Jubinville, J Sharifi, H Fayazfar, TH Mekonnen. (2023). Hemp hurd filled PLA‐PBAT blend biocomposites compatible with additive manufacturing processes: fabrication, rheology, and material property investigations. Polymer Composites 44 (12), 8946-8961
Jubinville D, Sharifi J, Mekonnen T. H, & Fayazfar H. (2023). A Comparative Study of the Physico-Mechanical Properties of Material Extrusion 3D-Printed and Injection Molded Wood-Polymeric Biocomposites. Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 1-13.
Fayazfar H, Sharifi J, Keshavarz M. K, & Ansari M. (2023). An overview of surface roughness enhancement of additively manufactured metal parts: a path towards removing the post-print bottleneck for complex geometries. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-53.
Singhal I, Tyagi B, Chaudhary R, Sahai A, Fayazfar H, & Sharma R. S. (2023). Toward an Improved Understanding for Design of Material Extrusion Additive Manufacturing Process‐Based 3D Printers—a Computational Study. Advanced Theory and Simulations, 6(1), 2200704.
Singhal I, Tyagi B, Chowdhary R, Saggar A, Raj A, Sahai A, Fayazfar H, & Sharma R. S. (2022). Augmenting mechanical design engineering with additive manufacturing. Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 1-23.
Fayazfar H, Rishmawi I, Vlasea M. (2021). Electrochemical-Based Surface Enhancement of Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V Complex Structures. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 30 (3):2245-2255
Sharifi J, Fayazfar H. (2021). Highly Sensitive Determination of Doxorubicin Hydrochloride Antitumor Agent via a Carbon Nanotube/Gold Nanoparticle Nanocomposite Biosensor. Bioelectrochemistry. 139: 107741
Fayazfar H, Rishmawi I, Vlasea M. (2021). Electrochemical-Based Surface Enhancement of Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V Complex Structures. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 30(3), 2245-2255.
Ali U, Fayazfar H, Ahmed F, Toyserkani E. (2020). Internal Surface Roughness Enhancement of Parts Made by Laser Powder-bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing. Vacuum. 177: 109314-109318.
Davoodi E, Fayazfar H, Liravi F, Jabari E,Toyserkani E. (2020). Drop-on-Demand High-Speed 3D Printing of Flexible Milled Carbon Fiber/Silicone composite Sensors for Wearable Biomonitoring Devices. Additive Manufacturing. 32: 101016-101025.
Lefebvre LP, Whiting J Nijikovsky B, Brika SE, Fayazfar H, Lyckfeldt O. (2020). Assessing the Robustness of Powder Rheology and Permeability Measurements. Additive Manufacturing. 35: 101203-101212.
Fayazfar H, Liravi F, Ali U, Toyserkani E. (2020). Additive Manufacturing of High Loading Concentration Zirconia Using High-speed Drop-on-demand Material Jetting. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 109: 2733-2746.
Fayazfar H, Salarian M, Rogalsky A, Sarker D, Russo P, Paserin V,Toyserkani E. (2018). A Critical Review of Powder-based Additive Manufacturing of Ferrous Alloys: Process Parameters, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties. Journal of Materials and Design. 144: 98-128.
Fayazfar H, Afshar A, Dolati A. (2015). Electrodeposition of Various Au Nanostructures on Aligned Carbon Nanotubes as Highly Sensitive Nanoelectrode Ensembles. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 24(5): 2005-2015.
Fayazfar H, Afshar A, Dolati M, Dolati A. (2014). DNA Impedance Biosensor for Detection of Cancer, TP53 Gene Mutation, Based on Gold nanoparticles/aligned Carbon Nanotubes Modified Electrode. Analytica Chimica Acta. 836: 34-44.
Fayazfar H, Afshar A, Dolati A, Ghalkhani M. (2014). Modification of Well-aligned Carbon Nanotubes with Dihexadecyl Hydrogen Phosphate: Application to Highly Sensitive Nanomolar Detection of Simvastatin. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry. 44(2): 263-277.
Fayazfar H, Afshar A, Dolati A. (2014). Tantalum Electrodes Modified with Well-aligned Carbon nanotube–Au Nanoparticles: Application to the Highly Sensitive Electrochemical Determination of Cefazolin. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 173(6): 1511-1528.
Fayazfar H, Dolati A, Ghorbani M. (2011). Electrochemical characterization of electrodeposited carbon nanotubes. Thin Solid Films. 519: 6230–6235.
Mahboubkhah M, Fayazfar H. (2009). Determination of Measurement Uncertainty in Extracting of Forming Limit Diagrams. International Journal of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering. 3(4): 438-441.