Eco-friendly Circular Advanced Materials & Additive Manufacturing Lab
Selected Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings
Naeim Karimi and Haniyeh (Ramona) Fayazfar (2024). Sustainable metal-infused polymer feedstock compatible with low-cost metal sinter-based 3D printing. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering.
Karimi N, Fayazfar H, (2023). Development of a Sustainable Metal-infused Polymer Compatible with Low-cost Fused Deposition Modeling 3D Printers; Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress; Computational Fluid Dynamics Canada International Congress; CSME - CFD-SC2023, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada
Sharifi J, Fayazfar H, (2023). Development of Sustainable Wood-Biopolymer Composite Material Compatible with Material Extrusion 3D-printing; Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Conference of Metallurgists, COM 2023, Toronto, Canada
Sharifi J, Fayazfar H, Keshavarzfar M. (2020). Preparation and Characterization of SBA-15-TiO2/PVDF Hybrid Membrane for Benzene Removal. 8th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS8), Online, Iran.
Fayazfar H, Rishmawi I, Vlasea M. (2020). Surface Finishing of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Alloys Via Chemical and Electrochemical Polishing. NSERC Network for Holistic Innovation in Additive Manufacturing (HI-AM) Conference, Online, Canada
Fayazfar H, Ali U, Toyserkani E. (2020). Additive Manufacturing of High Concentration Yttria-stabilized Zirconia Using High Speed Drop-on-Demand Material Jetting. Holistic Innovation in Additive Manufacturing (HI-AM) Conference, Online, Canada
Sharifi J, Fayazfar H. (2018). A highly sensitive electrode modified with MWCNTs-COOH/AuNPs as an antitumor agent bio-sensing sensor. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS7), Kish Island, Iran
Sharifi J, Fayazfar H. (2017). Doxorubicin Hydrochloride Determination via a MWCNTs-COOH/Gold NanoParticles Modified Electrode: A Highly-Sensitive Bio-sensing System. International Conference & Exhibition on Advanced & Nano Materials (ICANM), Toronto, Canada
Fayazfar H, Dolati A, Afshar A. (2013). Controlled Growth of Well-aligned Carbon Nanotubes, Electrochemical Modification and Improving With Electrodeposited Less-Common Gold Nanostructures. 4th International Conference on UltraFine Grained and Nanostructured Materials (UFGNSM),University of Tehran, Iran
Fayazfar H, Dolati A, Ghorbani M. (2012). Electrodeposition of carbon nanotubes especially single wall on the Si(100) and their electrochemical behaviors. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS4), Kish Island, Iran
Farrokhi Raad M, Fayazfar H, Rezakhani D. (2010). Galvanic atmospheric corrosion of different metals in various areas of Iran, 4th joint congress of metallurgy engineers community and Iran foundry community, Iran University of science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Farrokhi Raad M, Fayazfar H, Rezakhani D. (2010). Investigation of corrosion rates of industrial metals in various atmospheric conditions of Iran 4th joint congress of metallurgy engineers community and Iran foundry community, Iran University of science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Fayazfar H, Dolati A, Ghorbani M. (2009). Electrodeposition of carbon nanotubes in acetonitrile solution, Nanotech insight conference (NTI), Barcelona, Spain.
Mahboubkhah M, Fayazfar H. (2009). Determination of Measurement Uncertainty in Extracting of Forming Limit Diagram, International conference on manufacturing systems engineering, world Congress on science, engineering and technology (WCSET), Rome, Italy.
Dolati A, Fayazfar H, Ghorbani M. (2008). Synthesis of carbon nanotubes by electrochemical deposition, 2nd International congress on nanoscience and nanotechnology (ICNN), University of Tabriz, Iran.